NiCE Security Ststem
The NiCE Security System sets a new standard for Network Security by incorporating Hardware as the kernel of its encryption engine. This radical approach not only ensures the validity of the User and the establishment of a data connection that is 100% encrypted (AES 256) but also BLOCKS ALL Malware from entering the network.

Exclusive Three Tier Authentication
NiCE stands out from all other Network Security offerings by using remote 3F authentication.
1. Must own a registered NiCE Key.
2. Must have registered their fingerprint
3. Must enter their Secret Passphrase

Total Encryption of all Data Packets
NiCE stands out from all VPN offerings by encrypting !))% of All Data Packets.
Software VPN systems are forced to exchange Non-Encrypted data packets in order to establish the encryption code.

Blocks All Ransomware and Malware
Preventation is always better than cure.
The NiCE Security System protects your intranet from Hackers and expensive Ransomware.
Notes on Video:
This video shows that despite the how complex the logging procedure may for the USER it is both quick and easy.
The production version of the NiCE Key will replace the Swipe Fingerprint Reader with a Ultra Hi Resolution PAD Sensor. The new sensor exceeds the FBI required resolution.
NiCE Support
NiCE Tech Group supports all new users to make the implementation of the NiCE Security System a hassle-free operation. Users are provided with detailed information describing what will be involved with the implementation and operation of the system and will appoint a specialist installer to walk you through the process.
We are also able to provide advice and guidance to ensure that the data centre to which the NiCE Security System is attached is configured in the most secure way. This consultancy service is chargeable.
The NiCE Key is also subject to our high-level support. Any NiCE Key that that fails other than through misuse by the User will be replaced without charge.
Why is NiCE a more secure network connection compared with the hundreds of products in the market?
Why is your Multi-Factor user identification so much more effective?
What if the Hacker sniffs the network connection?
How do you beat Malware and Ransomware?
Won’t the advent of Quantum Computers be able to crack your encryption?
NiCE was developed from the ground up using the security benefits offered by hardware. Unlike other products NiCE creates the security kernel in hardware rather than vulnerable software.
NiCE uses the security benefits of the 100% encryption it creates a unique way of employing 3FA authentication. The NiCE Key with its embedded processor and memory controls the entire log-in procedure it does not contain any of the verification data which is held on the NiCE data gateway located at the data centre/cloud.
The NiCE Security System uses AES256 encryption and encrypts ALL data transmitted and received; and as we know AE256 cannot be cracked by ‘brute-force’. This means that unlike regular VPN’s we don’t transmit the unencrypted data needed to create the encryption code/s.
The NiCE Security System employs its own PC (built into the NiCE Key) to drive the entire system. The PC/Laptop to which it is connected in effect becomes a ‘Dum Terminal’ acting as the I/O and data link. This unique arrangement means that not only is the NiCE Security System immune to malware/ransomware but additionally is unaffected by any malware that may reside within the host Laptop/PC.
It will be a few years before Quantum Computers become available for commercial applications. We have in our short term (2-3 years) plans in hand to incorporate the technology within the NiCE Security System to create the complex technology to prevent brute-force cracking by Quantum Computers.